Showing: · ·Sorted: by due date
Extend short cut list on left-1314

Below projects:
display tasks which have been recently worked on (by user, by anyone)
display tasks which have been recently seen (touched) (by user, by anyone)
Mark single tasks as 'private'-1315

... so they can only be seen by the author
Import tasks from csv file-1317

Subject is optional; take first n characters as subject if not given.
Make a single list accessible for others without publishing the project ID-1721
Make a single list accessible for others without publishing the project ID
Total displayed: 4
(Open: 4 / Completed tasks are hidden (11) → Show also completed)
  • Overdue: 0
  • Waiting: 0
  • Unassigned: 4
Closed tasks: 73.3%

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Keyboard shortcuts:

Alt + i Focus on input
Alt + e Edit recent task
Alt + k Comment recent task with details
Alt + f Open search box
Esc Close search box
Alt + n Create new task
Alt + number Switch to list number
Alt + t Go to calendar
Alt + q Show help

Shorthands on entry:

+/- + number Amount
! Important
// + period Due Date
Click tag Adds tag
Drag a task to another list (see Settings) · Double-click task to edit · Long-press a task to cycle colors · Open Dozilla from anywhere
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Your active projects:

Dozilla Backlog
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Solved last 7 days: 0

I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. (Jerome K. Jerome)

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Lists and tasks

These are the lists of your project "Dozilla Backlog" which hold "tasks" (also called "items"). The first list "To Do" was created automatically (and might have been renamed meanwhile); create further lists if needed.
The menu icon on the active list allows you to protect the list with a password (i.e. reading only with password), or to freeze it so people can still view the tasks, but not change them, and much more.

All tasks of the current list are displayed, sorted as defined with the sorting icon inside of the blue bubble menu . Enter tasks (or items) in the top row. Tasks can have details; click on the task menu to state details, due dates, priority, assignees and much more. Long-press a task to mark it with a specific color.
Search for a task within the active list or for its unique ID.
You can also comment tasks or move/copy them to another list or to another project (on a desktop also with drag and drop to the target list or target project in the active project overview; see Settings).
The little grey pen underneath a task tells you when the task was last edited or commented - the further right it is displayed, the older the edit/comment (beyond 30 days it's on the far right).

Click on in the blue bubble menu to see also checked tasks. Bookmark this page, or share it. Go back to the overview via the top-most link.
Click on a project title to enter it and access to do items.

On desktops/notebooks, you can use keyboard shortcuts - enable the overview in the 'Settings' dialogue in case you switched it off.

Read more explanations and articles at, and start here.

Access this help screen anytime via the icon at the bottom of the page, or start a tour with .