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Work together on shared lists
Do you have to work with others on a to do list, a shopping list, etc? Dozilla.io is the solution - no installation, no registration, no costs, secure and anonymous.

Dozilla.io is your tool to jointly work on a list, without need for registration etc. Organize an event, create a shared shopping list, jointly work on a school project, arrange a pizza session, collect data from various people, split a bill, create a joint list of everything - all this and much more is possible. Create a list, share it and let your friends edit/extend it. See more details at this site.
Just try it. And contact me if you have an interesting usage scenario. You can of course use Dozilla.io for your own to dos as well, without sharing a list...

This screen shows your projects. You can create a new project and share it via QR code, email etc so others can join. Everyone who knows the unique ID (link) of a project can read all its lists and items within that project. Go to 'Security/Access control' in the project menu to learn more.
Enter a temporary code to access a project created by others. Archive a project or remove yourself from it - others can still see and use it; or delete the project completely.
Change your name from Guest to anything.
Click on a project title to enter it and access to do items.

Brought to you in 2023 (and after) by Frank Dux. Dozilla.io sets two technically-required (non-marketing) cookies.
  • Click here for imprint, cookie and data privacy information.
  • Click here for credits and a general Thank You.
  • Click here for developer documentation on API support.
  • Click here to read about adding entries via email.
Check out c99.chat, 99q.eu and 9blox.com as well!

I will continously integrate new features and functions. Check the current roadmap in this list.
Too much to read? Just try it. Create a project, click on the Share button to invite others, and work together. Read more at stuff.frankdux.de.
Or do you have a project already, but on a different device? Then read this page.
Premium features are available!