Thank you was created by me (Frank, email, web), but relies on libraries and code written by better programmers than I am. A big "Thank You!" goes out to:
- The entire site is based on Bootstrap 5.3 (and of course JQuery) on frontend and on PHP on backend side.
- I started originally with MyTinyTodo by Max Pozdeev, but quickly grew out of it and decided to develop my own project. However, thanks to Max for some ideas.
- I then used a script by Elias Abdurrahman as a starting point.
- The file upload is based on the excellent FilePond-library by Rik Schennink.
- The library for creating QR codes was made by Dominik Dzienia.
- The library for creating PDF documents was made by Nicola Asuni.
- Message boxes and popups are based on SweetAlert.
- The keyboard shortcuts are based on this code.
- The guided tour is done with Intro.js (paid license).
- The calendar is based on a script by benhall14.
- The long-press event on an item is trapped with a library made by john-doherty.
- The code for the IMAP extraction was created by Sebi94nbg.
- Some Javascript snippets originate from here and similar sites.
- The white background pattern is based on an image by VecMes on Freepik.
- The script for the icon bubble button is based on some code of Lucas Bebber.
- The calendar script in the edit screen originates from Mark.
- Many of the avatar icons come from Freepik or Pixabay. Hover over the images in the user profile screen to learn more.
I am happy to receive donations if you find this site useful (and of course, you can always enable premium features on a project):
Thank you for your interest in! Please share this site!